Hand in Hand, Arm in Arm !!

    Good morning and good evening! Today I will be talking about who I'm working with for this music video project. I will be working 3 other people: Kaylee West, Honey Savage and An Alysse McComie-Waterman. Side note, I'm just here writing this and all I can think are "wow, these people have cool names." Anyway I choose to work with these people because we are all friends. We all have similar interests and we can often talk the whole class period about a certain thing if you let us. We also have Media AICE at the same time and it makes it infinitely easier to communicate. Having it at a different time would put strain on getting things done, verse asking them to do it in class. It also helps us get things done quickly and I can ask important question and get immediate answers instead of waiting in a group chat. We do still one have- well two, one for us (the producers) and another for the actors that are going to help us act and be extras in the video. Luckily we all have about the same music taste so picking a song was just a person recommending one to the group, the group listening to it and agreeing to do that one or choosing a different one. We had a good idea of where we wanted to go with this so we choose songs in that genre and went from there. We also had a small idea of what we wanted to do for the music video so we recommend songs based on that. I have keep you all waiting a little, sorry, the song we've chosen is God Complex by Violent Vira. The song can be taken from a God to a person but we've chosen to in interpret this in more of a obsession way. Basically, A is obsessed with B and they chose to stalk B to get closer to them. The song is Rock, which I'm really excited about because I love rock, even though I listen to scene and goth more. Honey recommend this song and me and the group liked this song a lot better then we thought we would, it also had me exploring some of her other music, and my favorite so far is Collar of truth. Back on the song, the group also agreed the person should have a self-centered POV, so this song was really perfect as the song I recommend was a lot more just stalker then 'wants this person to worship them/be there one and only'.  Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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