Intro to myself!!

Good morning and good evening! Hello, I am Alexandra Soto, I am a artist, though I mostly focus on sketches and as such a have many different favorite artists of all different types. My favorite music artist are Ricky Montgomery, The Living Tombstone and Mitski. Although for the last two I only listens to patches of albums. My favorite physical artist (painter) however is Alexandre Cabanel, as my favorite artwork of his is his 'Birth of  Venus.' My favorite animals are Blue Jays, Sunbirds, Long Tailed Tit, and mountain Bluebirds. With all those colors you'd think my favorite color is blue, but its not, its Naples yellow and wine red. I just turned 16 3 days ago, on the named, sweater day or December 3rd. I have 3 siblings. two older, one younger, two sisters, one brother. I haven't seen my oldest sister and younger brother in a very long time. I actually haven't seen them in so long I have no idea HOW to spell their names. We are all hispanic so while my sister and I have much more common names, my sister and brothers name is rare. however my middle sister moved back home to deal with her mental health issues. It's been slightly, tense, at home at first but it's been calming down right now. Speaking of mental health, mines been going up a lot lately. This is likely because I just saw my friend that moved for my birthday and we went to the trampoline park and got a lot of crab. I have been watching movies in the past few days with my sister. Since the new Hunger games movie came out I got really interested in the Hunger games movies/books. I really like them, they deserved all the hype they got. My favorite movies however, still The Truman Show and Dead Poets Society. My favorite youtuber released a new series so I've also been filling my days with that, it's really fun and chaotic. I've been reading the comic's I've wanted to read too! It's been lots of fun. happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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