But who am I collaborating with??

    Good morning and good evening! When being told about the Final Task we got to work with people. Like last time I have decided to work with An Alysse McComie-Waterman, not the other people however. I trust An Alysse the best to not procrastinate and to hold the load of the work with me. This is because while I liked working with the others, it got really stressful when people waited until the very LAST minute to finish things. Heck sometimes I had to push for it to be finished. I swear I got a white hair or two on the last day of working. An Alysse is my friend, we've been friends since the beginning of the year. We also have AICE media studies at the same time so it makes the most sense to work with her. It makes it much easier to ask for things to be done, plan things out and work together. We both have similar taste in humor, shows and movies so it'll be really easy to get an idea for what we want to do. Or at least something we'll both have fun doing. We haven't made an idea yet but that mostly my fault. I did get sick, I'm still a little sick but even if I'm sick by, say around Thursday, I'll be able to to text her about ideas if we need to. I'd likely be the director again, which would be fun, I really liked doing that. Unlike last time, we'd both likely be the main actors, no idea about An Alysse by I don't have many friends I could ask to act in the intro, not ones that have an open schedule at least. All in all, I choose the person to work with because we both have similar taste, are in the same class period and shes not a procrastinator. I also know if I lag behind, she'll push me to finish. I really hope I am also a good partner, I kinda complained about people here but I know some of that can be applied to myself, so I'm trying to do better in terms of my own procrastination. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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