StoryBoard !!

Good Morning and good evening! The storyboard for the mini-movie was finished, so here are the rough plans. (Note: the two main characters are in bright colors to make them pop out from the background, aka the main characters aren't actually yellow and blue) Scene one is of the main character, Lucky, getting the bad luck that sets the story into motion. It is meant to set up her character, she freaks out at both the cat and the breaking of the mirror, two very common signs of bad luck, showing how supersitius she is already. The second scene shows Lucky telling the other main character, Charmie, about the 7 years of bad luck for the mirror after Charmie mades a side comment about her being unlucky after Lucky burns popcorn. Charmie doesn't actually believe doing things or saying words will cause bad luck, and so this is the primary conflict. The next scene is just show what exactly her bad luck is, as well has showing it to Charmie, the bad luck presents itself has be...