Comparing Le Jetee (the short) and 12 Monkeys (the full-length movie) !!

Good morning and good evening! My takeaway, from the fact 12 Monkeys is a recreation of Le Jetee, is how still pictures can help you create a film, in a way, Le Jetee is the storyboard for 12 monkeys, with each frame being a second or two of the scene. 12 Monkeys takes parts of the directors relationship with studio filmmaking, and as a result, he uses things like wide angles to show his "skewed vision of humanity" and this helps impact, inspire, change and understand how our group is going to go make the storyboard for our short film because we will be more thoughtful about how we are going to express and eventually film our scenes.  

My takeaway, comparing 12 monkeys and Le Jetee, is how both stories are able to tell simultaneous different and similar themes and messages while working off the same base. Le Jetee is about how there is no escape from the present, as we will lose ourselves over the past; while 12 Monkeys is about what the past can teach you about the future, but to stop daydreaming about what already happened. One is much more bleak and negative then the other! This helps our group think about what exactly we want to make our message or theme, what are we trying to give audiences and how are we going to execute it. Happy birthday to whoever's birthday it is and goodbye!


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