
more filming (hopefully the last) !!

      Good morning and good evening! The team started by gathering what would be recording today. My teammate recorded the scene where Lucky finds out she bad luck ends. The scene was split the scene into 4 shots. To add more comedy, the team and I had out cameraman voice the final line. "Oh yea!" like the kooaid man. Me and the team were giggling the whole time it was being done. It was so much fun. I also randomly started dating Lucky's sister apparently. Two scenes reference it, but only one says date, the other says salsa. Most of the scenes were filmed at my house today, but a few were filmed downstairs. For example, one scene has Lucky moving a gate because a museum is closed. While another has Lucky getting an apple Charmie thought would fall on her head. There is still two more scenes to film and one voiceover I have to do. Just the beginning and ending ironically. This is mostly due to the lack of latter, and lack of breakable mirror. But considering both the plo...

more plans !!

      Good morning and good evening! Yes it has been a day. I've just been ideally doing the card. It seems easy but I want to be satisfied with it before I present it to you all. Getting the colors correctly has been the most difficult. Should it be grey? Or should it have a blue tint? Maybe the background should be blue-grey, the highlights should be a light blue and the words be a dark blue-grey. Then, there are the other questions. Should the social media accounts stand out? Should they blend in? For example, if they did stand in, I would desaturate them. Standing out would be leaving them normal. And maybe being cheeky and making X the old twitter logo. The bright colors would definitely stand out, but I think it would look bad. In the meantime, I've jus been watching super mario odyssey videos. I'm hoping the bright colors and the creativeness will stimulate the flow in my brain. Watching people cheese and break the game is mostly just fun, and brings a little more ...

filming and acting !!

      Good morning and good evening! So i met one of my teammates for filming at around 5PM. First we went to go over what exactly we would film. Then we started on the second scene. This was the first duo scene and also the easiest to film with just two people. It was decided to change the popcorn burning in a house to running into something at the mall. I also filmed some of the bad effect scenes, such as finding a tails-up penny. One Charmie trying to disprove Lucky was filmed as well. It was with the clover field and the dog poop. I think a still need to film a voice over for one scene with Lucky and a Bee. There were some scenes that needed another person to film because they were duo scenes. Therefore, we got my teammates mom to film about one scene. Everything else could be faked into looking like a shot reverse shot. After a while, me and my partner just decided to film more on sunday, march first. Mostly it was decided to film some home scenes, maybe our solo sce...

Business !!

     Good morning and good evening! Business is going. I wanted to name this blog like 'Video!" or "Filming!" but I remembered those names should be reserved for the actual final movie. Just to avoid confusion. Side note: my nail is killing me and I need to book an appointment to get my nails done before filming. They are too long, snag on everything and kill me. My parents came back from Puerto Rico and you'll never believe it. My mom got sick with a 102 fever. It's BAD and very worrying. This doesn't have a lot to do with filming but it shares my mindset and where I'm going to be at with the final project going on. I also have to make sure I either get my haircut before all filming or when it's done. I need a little self-maintenance, basically. I'm a little bit of a mess right now. But we are going to be filming on Wednesday so it's likely I'll be doing it all after filming, just so everything in the scenes is consistent incase we ha...

Workshop !!

(this photo isn't accurate, but I thought it was funny.)      Good morning and good evening! It's been weird a little. The filming in groups hasn't been going well for one reason or another. It's kinda annoying. Either I can't met cause the family's sick and I need to take care of them. OR my groupmates aren't feeling well themselves. Or they have after school things. Overall, going eh. Therefore, we made another meeting time net Wednesday. A whole week for everyone to sort themselves out. We still have another three week to edit and film, so I'm not too worried. But it's still getting a little too close for my liking. I already have a lot to deal with in my school classes, so it's a little unnerving. I think the group will be fine though. Me and a groupmate had to work to the bone on the last day last time. If need be, I'd do it again to get it finished in time. I'm just thankful I'm not the editor this time. It was stressful and I c...

The process of the card !!

     Good morning and good evening! These past few days I've been working on the card more closely. As I mentioned before, I've made some accounts for the social media portion. However, there is still other stuff to do. I also have to include a QR code of the website. So I found a QR code maker and uploaded the website onto there so I can put it on the card. Luckily, the websites already been made and is being managed by another group member. I also have to include a premier date. There is already one set by the teacher so I have that set. Finally I have to include the title. Duh. I have all the info, so I'm also going to out everyone who worked on the project. It's all been going very well. The hardest part is making it all look nice while still sticking to my mirror theme. I don't want to have to switch. I'm quite attached to it. I've been wondering if I should add other superstitions. Like a black cat or a coin to make it more obvious. Possibly numbers or...

Progress has been made !!

    Good morning and good evening! I've recorded some of my solo scenes, such as one in my living room. It's the scene where I'm answering the phone. The most trouble I had with the scene was getting everyone out and the dogs to be quiet. That or actually recording at the right time. Often, the only time all the conditions are met is when my parents are walking both the dogs. The most hiccups I've had actually have been related to my family. My sister got sick so she's been staying with me and my parents. It also means I've had practically no time to properly record without coughing in the background. It's annoying but also my sisters sick so I can't say much. My parents are also planning a trip to Puerto Rico, I believe I said this before. So I will possibly have all the time when they go. Because my sisters getting better she'll be able to take care of me. Side note: training my dogs has been going well so they've been quieter overall. The fami...