Business !!

     Good morning and good evening! Business is going. I wanted to name this blog like 'Video!" or "Filming!" but I remembered those names should be reserved for the actual final movie. Just to avoid confusion. Side note: my nail is killing me and I need to book an appointment to get my nails done before filming. They are too long, snag on everything and kill me. My parents came back from Puerto Rico and you'll never believe it. My mom got sick with a 102 fever. It's BAD and very worrying. This doesn't have a lot to do with filming but it shares my mindset and where I'm going to be at with the final project going on. I also have to make sure I either get my haircut before all filming or when it's done. I need a little self-maintenance, basically. I'm a little bit of a mess right now. But we are going to be filming on Wednesday so it's likely I'll be doing it all after filming, just so everything in the scenes is consistent incase we have to reshoot it later. It would suck to be stuck with crappy footage because I cut my hair. I will simply work through the pain with my nail, beauty is pain and all that. But this time in filming, where I think a similar statement applies when you hear all the stories of actors getting into shape for a role. Luckily, we don't have to do that because everyone is a school student. We can just be ourselves mostly.  Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days


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