more filming (hopefully the last) !!
Good morning and good evening! The team started by gathering what would be recording today. My teammate recorded the scene where Lucky finds out she bad luck ends. The scene was split the scene into 4 shots. To add more comedy, the team and I had out cameraman voice the final line. "Oh yea!" like the kooaid man. Me and the team were giggling the whole time it was being done. It was so much fun. I also randomly started dating Lucky's sister apparently. Two scenes reference it, but only one says date, the other says salsa. Most of the scenes were filmed at my house today, but a few were filmed downstairs. For example, one scene has Lucky moving a gate because a museum is closed. While another has Lucky getting an apple Charmie thought would fall on her head. There is still two more scenes to film and one voiceover I have to do. Just the beginning and ending ironically. This is mostly due to the lack of latter, and lack of breakable mirror. But considering both the plot and ending hinges on these two things, the team and I kind of, HAVE to do them. So I guess it will get figured out within these next few days. I just hope that it can be done in time. Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days!
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