Workshop !!

(this photo isn't accurate, but I thought it was funny.)

     Good morning and good evening! It's been weird a little. The filming in groups hasn't been going well for one reason or another. It's kinda annoying. Either I can't met cause the family's sick and I need to take care of them. OR my groupmates aren't feeling well themselves. Or they have after school things. Overall, going eh. Therefore, we made another meeting time net Wednesday. A whole week for everyone to sort themselves out. We still have another three week to edit and film, so I'm not too worried. But it's still getting a little too close for my liking. I already have a lot to deal with in my school classes, so it's a little unnerving. I think the group will be fine though. Me and a groupmate had to work to the bone on the last day last time. If need be, I'd do it again to get it finished in time. I'm just thankful I'm not the editor this time. It was stressful and I couldn't deal with that again. I would cry, it would not be pretty.  Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days!


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