I am a mirror and this is the reflection !!

    Good morning and good evening! During this project I learned a lot about the program I used, CapCut. To use this program effectively I watched a lot of videos on YouTube. I learned about to properly import sound and add good photos onto CapCut, I also learned how to make good transition to the next photo and add text. The only thing I couldn’t figure out is how to lower the sound in one section and heighten it in another. However, I made do and just cut it up and lowered each section, I feel I did well on it. I did a practice run on another project before fully making my video and it helped me learn a lot about the app, I never used it before and I feel it also improved my abilities of editing to other apps I used. This project was really helpful in learning my technology and using it effectively in other aspects of my life, I’ll probably use this to make something for my family. I also learned a lot about putting a project together. I learned what best to do and what are almost definite nos. I also learned a lot about the process of making a project the best. Some things I learned to do are putting all your information in one area (and maybe making a copy), I also most all my photo’s and videos when I had to do a delete sweep of my photos to clear up space. Thankfully I had my mother said me everything, so I was able to get it all back quickly. I also learned how bad my procrastinating habits are getting. I also missed an important production blog or wasn’t able to get my photos because I would just… put it off. To counter this, I started putting reminders on my phone to keep myself on track and forced myself to actually start doing the work instead of saying I’ll do it later. For the project, while I like it, there are something I wish I could do better. While I like all the photos I chose, I feel like I could choose better photo that flow better together. All of them show my personality but apart from two, none have ANYTHING to do with each other. So, I will probably try to make it more cohesive. I also would have planned more of this project; I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. In fact, I changed my plan from the research and planning phase. So, I would make a plan and stick to it, not to much where I was just making things difficult for myself but to where I knew where I was going. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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