Intro to me!!! :D

    Good morning and good evening, my name is Alexandra Soto. Some of my favorite music artists Conan Gray and Ricky Montgomery. Though my favorite type of music happens to be scene and tend to listen to more goth. My favorite color is yellow, specifically, Naples yellow. Which is ironic because my favorite animal is a Blue Jay & sunbirds, and my favorite comic character is Red Robin. Which is also ironic because my quinceanera dress and party was green, as is everything I own. My lucky number is 3, like my birthday, December 3rd, which is also often called online sweater day because of the Conan Gray song "Heather." My parents divorced when I was 2 which caused me to be the youngest in my family on my mother side and a middle child on my fathers. I have two older sisters (one is a full sibling and the other is a half) and a half-brother, younger. My mother remarried in 2019 and I had a fever of 103 at the wedding, so I had ginger ale the whole time. When my mother remarried, my family grew by about 20 people, but I sadly lost my tia (aunt) and my abuelo (grandfather) in the small years following. I have had a burst of anxiety and depression during covid.  My favorite food was my abuelo's white rice and when he died it became lollipops. I have always been interested in Greek mythology, where I favor stories of Apollo. I tend to lean more to fantasy books, though I have never read Percy Jackson. My favorite movie of all time is The Truman Show and Dead Poets Society, even with the (big) flaws. On the other side of the coin, I hate yellow tinted light. Some of my biggest peeves are when people chew loudly in a really silent room. I tend to get massive anxiety when I'm late to something and I enter the room and everybody looks at you for those three seconds. I also hate when the teachers force students to in front of the class and present. I probably hate it because one time we had to debate something from memory so I went to the front of the class said "um" and "uh" for 3 minutes and went to my seat crying. My parents tricked me into going on a 50 foot drop once, I think I still hate them a little for that. I tend to get more confident when my friend (or sister) is really nervous and I can help them, I can overcome my anxieties when they get anxious and I can help. It makes me feel a little bad. For my quince, when I finished the Daddy-Daughters dance, I fell and almost cried but my sister mentioned how she was glad she never did the dance because of her anxiety and I dragged her in the middle of the room and did the dance with her, I fell again. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days. 


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