Production blog, but in color !!

    Good morning and good evening! Today, and in the past few days I have been gathering photos for my commercial.  To clarify, I am using the song take your by Matthew Mole. I said I was going to use Duvet by Boa but the photos I was looking at and the nostalgic tone (to me) of the second make it a more meaningful song to me. I don't have any photos of me on my phone (I know weird, but I don't like taking photos) so I had a steal (taken with permission) my parents phone and score through there. The first photo I'll be using is a single photo of myself, it's when I use in New York visiting family. All of us are big Harry Potter fans (even if the author is sub par [AT BEST]) so we just HAD to go to the phone booth with the poster photos, it was fun and shows some of my interests. Another photo I'll be using is a photo of me and my step-dad at an American football game. It was at Harvard Stadium for my mother, who's going back to collage to get another degree. I may not like football but I am willing to go out of my comfort zone (with something I know nothing about) for my family, I hope this photo shows that. A third photo I'll be using is one at my quince, with most my friends. It was a great day and I was really glad all my friends could make it, it meant a lot to me, as I often don't feel as connected to my culture as I am. It's also proof of my fully green quinceanera for that one friend who didn't believe me! For the final photo, I'm having trouble deciding between a photo in Puerto Rico with my step-dad and sister or a photo in the car with my mother and sister. The first is me in my families country, hanging out with pina coladas, but I already have a picture with my step-dad in it. The second photo is of a younger me from 2015, hanging out in the car with one of the few moments of when my sister liked me (when she was younger, don't worry she's warmed up to me now lol) AND it shows a picture of my mother. I'll probably ask for some help on it from my friends when I get to school. I plan to do my commercial as a type of photo album, flipping through the pages of people important to me, so it'll also probably look better with a type of timeline going on. On a side note, i thought the title of this blog was clever and I need you all to laugh with me, it's like 'photo in color' but it's 'blog in color' because I'm talking about photos, okay I'm done with that now. Now that I'm truly thinking of it, I may do some bonus photos of my extended family in the corners of the commercial, like a where Waldo thing. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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