The research and planning!!

    Good Morning and good evening, today I will be writing about my research for my "about me" commercial. I'm going to be honest, this is a little hard for me, I don't have ANY phones or videos of myself. I barely have any photos/videos on my phone in general actually (rocking with my 37 videos of memes and 4 videos of edits). This does mean I will be going through my parents phones for videos of me, or things that relate to me. Such as phones of me and my friends, photos of me at my quince, and photos of me when I was younger. It would also include photos of things, such as my drawings and notably items that relate strongly to me. I didn't mention this on my intro blog but I am drawer, it's a big part of my life, so I want to include a picture or two about that. Which does mean I will have to figure out the music first so I can plan the photo's accordingly. I almost want to do electrical by Bali Baby, it's a upbeat song but it has too many romantic undertones for me to use. I want to stay away from strong romantic undertones as I am single and plan to stay single for as long as I can, romantic has never interested me. I would do a scene song but most are either pretty graphic or pretty non-school appropriate so I'm choosing to do something that alines with my other taste. Duvet by Boa is a slow song, with romantic undertones but it's a lot less prominent.  My backup song if it doesn't work out will most likely be pretty by Coco & Claire or Take Yours by Matthew Mole. The first song is more mellow with sadder undertones while the latter is nostalgic and upbeat, and also my favorite song ever, it's about found family.  For the first song choice, I'll do pictures about my extended family and my family/friends maybe videos about when I was younger. For the second song, I'll probably do songs about covid or the latter of middle school, I was struggling really badly and it could be a show for how I got better. For the last song, it would be photos/videos about my immediate family and my closest friends, and how much I love them because they really did help me a lot and I feel like it would be a nice way for people to be introduced to me. I am myself only because of my family/friends and you can't truly know me if you don't know how much those people mean to me. I am queer and I am proud of it, I've only grown to love myself so much because the people around me accepted and loved me and it/they are important to my identity. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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