Etching a sketching !!

Shot 1: The character playing "god" or G watches characters A, B and C. It would cutaway from G to A, B, C; the whole thing would be at eye level. While it was drawn at full body, the three shot could be a medium long shot. 

Shot 2: This would be continuing from the three shot of A, B and C meeting a new person, character D to all of them going through some doors. This would be a tracking shot and at eye level. If you wanted you could make this one an over the shoulder shot (or D). 

Shot 3: G is getting up (from there sit at the end of a tree) to follow the quad. This would to from an eye level angle to a low angle. Other then that, everything stays the same. 

Shot 4: A jumpcut to inside the building, a mall where G watches (what looks to be) the camera. This is at a low angle, with a tiny zoom. This can be a medium long or medium shot. 

Shot 5: Long shot of where G is in comparison to A, B, C and D. This is right before either a cut or zoom into the next shot.

Shot 6: A scene of A, B, C and D laughing and having fun. This would be a medium shot and is at a high angle. Though, it looks more bird's eye view, presumably at the eye level of G. 

Shot 7: A jumpcut to A, B, C and D another time, maybe walking through a park. While walking D falls behind, causing C to stop and wait. A medium long shot, high angled, with only slight tracking as the walk. 

Shot 8: Shot 7 and 8 are meant to be a crosscutting between the two. As shot 7 happens G is in a dark room looking at a laptop, the electronic being the only light source. it wasn't captured in the drawing but there is a longing to be apart of the group. It would be at a low angled, medium close shot. 

Shot 9: A split screen of two different scenarios. The one on the left is again at the mall, but this time G is at the table next to them. It's a full body shot and it should be slightly tilted where G is higher than A, B, C and D. The one on the right is in a neighborhood or park where A, B, C and D are having fun while G watches from behind a tree, a over the shoulder, medium long shot. It is tilted slightly where G is higher than the others.

Shot 10: We focus on the right and someone notices something is off. It switches from high angle to eye level and goes from medium long to medium to medium close up shots.

Shot 11: At eye level this time, the person notices G, and has a disturbed expression. Still medium close up. 

Shot 12: We cut to G slightly freaking out, the camera is eye level but it could be dutch to show to G is off their kilter. This shot is a medium shot.


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