Planting seeds for a tree !!

    Good morning and good evening! Me and the people i've been working with have slowly but surely making progress doing the video. The reason it's going so slowly is actually because no one was able to agree on a plan, as the first one had been veto on probably not school-appropriate. So when I had to draw the storyboard I had to make it more pg. I needed to get the fine line of not a gross romantic obsession and not making the main character seem overly pitiable. What the team did agree on is which part of the music was going to play. Therefore, all I had to go was cut the music so I knew what was going to be playing, write the lyrics on the storyboard to match a shot to a lyric and draw! It was actually easier than I thought it would be and a lot of fun too, I actually want to make some storyboards for other things now. Back on topic, my favorite shot is actually the first one. I love how i drew the body and expression, as it's one of the things I have trouble drawing so it was satisfying seeing the emotion I wanted to express on the paper. When writing the blog for the storyboard, I kinda just explained what was happening in each shot and HOW I think it would be shot but I wanted to expand more on it. Mainly because the direction of the story and directing the music video is actually the main two things I'm doing and the group haven't been able to record yet. The story is about a teen, nicknamed G from the title (God Complex). G kinda obsessed with this friend group and wants to be friends with them. But instead of talking (like a normal person) they start following/stalking them, watching them through cameras etc etc. It's implied with the song that G wants to control the friend group, be the top dog, if you will, instead of JUST being apart of the friend group. Eventually, they start getting more confident in what their doing and getting closer. However, a person in the group notices them and that's where the video will end. While it was originally about an obsessive stalker with a single person, but that was a little too, for lack of a better term, eh/ew so it was changed. I feel a lot better about the concept and I am very excited to start filming soon! Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days. 


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