Would I film this tree ??

    Good morning and good evening! During the past week me and my team have filmed the mall scenes. As I said before, I am the director so while I didn't do as much as my teammates I still did A LOT. I went to Galleria mall at 12:30 as planned and got food until I saw the others. Afterwards I showed everyone the plan again and I got everyone into positions. I showed my teammates the poses or general things they needed to do and then I set up the camera. I did this for multiple scenes. I did run into some problems, the lighting, not being able to get the angle I needed, but I was able to work through all those problems. My teammates have a plan to put caption on the video for talking, I, on the other hand, am a little hesitant about it, but everyone else agreed so I will probably allow it for happen. While I was filming I had headphones on to have everything match the music. This is based off a girls normal life with G watching her so I had to make sure some scenes had lots of people. While not everyone could come me and my group had to ask some strangers to be I the video, thankfully most people where able to come so I didn't need to talk to so many people. I just filmed the mall scenes today so the group is meeting later to finish the filming in the neighborhood or park. I gave the film to the editor and it is now off my hands for now. I am excited about how this will turn out! I am also worried that the group may have to refilm some scenes if it doesn't fit the image. OR if the video corrupts or anything. It got me hurling to be honest, I have to calm down, it doesn't help I am going through some family stuff. However I am glad I was able to do this, it helped calm some of my anxiety and I have a better feeling about how this whole thing is going to go. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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