A final evaluation of the tree
Good morning and good evening! Our product, or music video, is about one character, G, who wants to be friends with two people, a duo, and stalks them until they get noticed. The product is based in the genre of alternative rock, as such it follows the conventions; however, with the song that has been chosen the genre changes slightly because the singer has a unique video presentation, so the group watched her videos and made the product reflect that. First, let me tell you the convections the group noticed from videos that have been watched. Lots of insert clips of the main character alone, where the character will be with the others before having another long, mostly just singing to the camera. It has a slightly gritter atmosphere, it is a lot cooler, blues and gray paint the screen and warm colors are often only used to show emotions like anger. Intense lighting, the lighting is often directly in front or behind the character to paint part of the character as shadow. Speaking of warm color, they are only ever used on spots, it never paints the whole screen. The group used most of these conventions. G is placed alone in almost every scene; we made the atmosphere blue gray. We did divert with the lighting and spots of warm colors. When the video was being edited the group agreed that the spots of warm colors looked weird, so we got rid of them. For the lighting, it was filmed in a public place, the mall, so I didn’t have almost any control over the lighting, however, the group made do and darkened the whole video to make moments with light stand out, and to make the shadows that were there darker. As a whole the video represents stalkers and victims. Combined with the music the story is about someone who wants control over people, a power imbalance, and they achieve this through stalking the two victims, who are shown to be uncomfortable when they have noticed multiple times. This is mostly shown with the angles it was filmed in, though hard to see at times, the video is filmed with the victims at a high angle and G at a low angle to show how G sees the two characters. It starts off at eye level that changes into their respective angles when G comes into view and ends at eye level when the characters regain control by seeing and pointing out their stalker. I hope the product audiences were able to see what I’ve done to convey the problems and that they were (at least slightly) intrigued with the story being told. I also hope it was able to resonate with people who have been in a similar position as the victims, vindicated to see G being called out, even if only for a few moments. I hope people found it entertaining if nothing else and found a new song to bop along to and a new artist to listen to on repeat. If it was actually being distributed as a media text, it would likely be promoted by an influencer who is trying to find solace in others who are dealing or have dealt with a similar issue. Or it would be to raise awareness on stalking, likely with some commentary and what you should do and not do if you ever encounter a situation like the one shown. It would be on something like YouTube and promoted on TikTok or Instagram, like many other songs, because these situations and songs trying to raise awareness often go to the sideline, but if they can help one person that’s a job well done. My production skills improved a lot during this time. This, shocking, actually taught me about who my partners should be, or part one of the whole process. I was hearing around that one of my teammates was a bad procrastinator, like more than me, and it was slightly frustrating when we needed things done and I don’t want to put myself in such a stressful situation again. it also helped me improve my camera skills, I was the cameraman, so I got better at positioning people, learning when to shoot and how to shoot, directing people to do certain things and where to position the camera to get the desired result and helped me gain sympathy for cameramen, I have no idea how they do it so often without feeling like a absolute creep. I got better at communicating what I wanted to do and achieve from my group mates. Finally, I got better at storyboards, I am an artist, so I’ve made a storyboard or two, but it is almost always unfinished and messy, so having to make one for a group helped me tremendously. I made one for fun a week ago and I can really see the improvement against my previous ones. I integrated technology as both the cameraman and as the person who gave the final clips to the editor after approval from our actors. I used my iPhone to record the video, communicate with my groupmates, find the music and put everything on a calendar to make sure it was all done in time. Others also used their iPhones for similar purposes. I used my computer to record my progress, make my blogs, find photos for references, and it was also used to communicate with my teammates. For my final piece of hardware I used, it was my tablet to clip the photos together to send it to the editor. I used a software called Kine Master, as it was the easiest for me to use because of prior experience. I cut up and put the clips together with a black screen in the middle to separate the scenes to make jump cuts from one time to another. Online, the video was uploaded to Viemo, a website where people can post music videos longer than fifthteen seconds without the issue of copyright something like YouTube might have. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.
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