Titles appear and disappear !!

    Good morning and good evening! Titles are everything, especially in movies. It’s how you recognize one after all! When deciding what the title should be there are many things we can go with. It’s a movie about never having a free day with your friend and when you do it’s a zombie apocalypse! Er kinda they’re just zombies around. Kinda like during COVID when everyone had to stay inside. We haven’t talked to it much so far but I, personally, have just be calling it Zombie Vacation or Free Zombie Day. We mostly want to wait until we get more of it done before we do a title. Other titles are would include the workers in the beginning. We wanted those ones to contrast the background, which i wanted to be light so I’ve decided it should be black, or a light brown to look nicer. For the size, it will mostly just depend on the scene, where is the title going to be is going to determine the size of the title. Me and my teammate were deciding between 3 different fonts but ultimately chose Carbon by billy Argel fonts. They’ll enter in different ways, texts, closing door, moving object etc. Then they’ll stay on screen for about 2 seconds. I thought that was short at first but when reading a short text on screen any longer just feels like it’s dragging on the screen. They’ll leave with a fade, but for the text the scene or shot will just change. I wouldn’t be surprised if half of what I just said will change while we make it. Or more specifically while we edit it. However, I want to try to keep most of what I said intact during editing, so that what me and my teammate will be aimming for. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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