What is the thriller genre??

Thriller defined by the internet: "fiction with numerous, often overlapping, subgenres, including crime, horror, and detective fiction." 
  • Common camera: angles, movements, and shots: 
Extreme close ups and close ups are the bread and butter of this genre, pans, establishing shots and long shots are also used very frequently. This is to show tension or suspense. Take advantage of high shots and POV shots to make it since as though someone's stalking the main character is also common place to enhance the viewer. Dutch angles are used to make the viewer uneasy OFTEN. Low level framing are used to show whos in power and whos powerless. 
  • Common mise-en-scenes:
There's a darker and grittier atmosphere. It's also often in more urban and rural settings, or a mansion, for all the rooms to play with. It takes advantage of dramatic lighting, like hiding someone in shadow and casting the other in complete light. Props often include guns or knives for a wow factor. Makeup is used for a "Oh My God" scene or jumpscare, which means they can often be dramaticized depending on what scene we are dealing with. Costume depends on the time/period, this genre is very good about keeping the viewer immersed in the story, not wanting to break it with say... a out of place costume. However, good is often in lighter colors and bad is in dark— or reverse for a fake out (less likely). 
  • Common editing techniques:
Flashbacks are common place here, used for exposition about a story detail. Cutaways, inserts, fade in/outs and shot reverse shot are also common. These are all used to enhance the story and keep you immersed within it. They are also used for tension and suspense. Quick action shots and obtrusive editing are used for uneasiness and to articulate feelings of tension. Jump Cuts and cross cutting are used for the same reasons. 
  • Common sound choices:
Motifs are huge in this genre and they often signify something is happening. They use a mixture of non-diegetic and diegetic sound to build suspense and tension for the viewer, like hightening music and footsteps. You want to fake out the viewer? Put creepy suspenseful music while walking through a hallway, have them turn around to nothing. 
  • Examples of Thriller films:
Five Nights at Freddy's, Gone Girl, Glass Onion, Black Swan, American Psycho, Scream VI
  • Personal likes?: 
I like how the movies are colored, my favorite. They can build suspense very well and I love solving the mystery in mystery-thriller hybrides. 
  • Personal dislikes?: 
Take a shot (ha) everytime I type suspense or tension, yea not fun. It's really bland and it gets boring after a while. It is definitely my least favorite of all the genres I've talked/am talking about.  It is also a very predictable genre, for some that may be fun but I like spontaneous ideas/executions.  


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