Adsorbed into the ground !!

    Good morning and good evening! The best thing about our scenes is that I can switch them around as needed. This comes into pay most with the music. The music me and my partner decided on right now is "Heaven says," it has about 4 points with little notes that I can connect with the song. There is a part that says "violence" that could be easily connected with the car-crash excuse. I think that's the most fun with the music, connecting it to the things on screen. If me and my partner choose another song, the flexibility of scenes will allow things to still match the music. Freedom, Disease, Violence, and Friends are the things spelt out in response to Answer, Mankind, Answer and Sin (in that order). Which is just the perfect lyrics in my opinion, they go so well. So it would go Ask-the-friend-out, Sick excuse, car-crash excuse, meet up as the timeline. Basically just switch the second and third page of my storyboard around and you got your timeline for the video. My partner is going to email all the artists to see if we can use their songs tonight. Me and my partner been meaning to do it but lives caught up with us a lot. The other two longs we picked are "Labyrinth" or "Banana Shake." I'll be honest I haven't heard Banana shake enough to be familiar with it but I've heard labyrinth and I do think it has the vibe we are going for. The "I'm trap" would work really well for the ending. Ending the intro on a beat drop would sound really cool I think. I love Miracle Musical/Tally Hall so I would be happy with any of their songs. So I'll probably push for one of them. Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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