Condensed in a cloud !!

    Good morning and good evening! I finished recording the rest of my scenes. I did the theater scene with my sister, again. She has spring break this week so I'll need to also finish my records either before or after she's gone to out tios. Actually I'm thinking of filming some scenes at my tio's when I go for MY spring break. He lives in Texas and there is a really big mall over there. So I may rerecord my scenes, I'll also be able to see my cousins and they can help me record. When recording my theater scenes I had three to choose from. One of theme is the one I used in the storyboard. Another is really close to where I live so it'll be easy to rerecord if  I need too. The final one is an AMC I get invited to sometimes, I went recently, which is why it was a possibility. In the end I choose the one in my storyboard but I also filmed scenes at the one near my house just in case. So it was really annoying for my sister because I was dragging her around anywhere. Also now that I'm thinking about it, I might film my sister for the Angel Ren scenes. I see her all the time anyway. My parents aren't going to be here this weekend, which means it's on my sister to drive me anywhere. WHICH MEANS I will have a lot more of an open schedule to met my partner for the combined scenes. Every scene is about 20 to 35 seconds long. So the final needs to be about 30 seconds, I'm worried about it being too fast to understand in one go. Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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