Evaporation !!

Good morning and good evening! Me and my partner started filming. Since me and my partner switched roles I have all of Lucia's roles. I have filmed some of the things I need to do. Not many of the theater scenes but the house scenes and I'm working through the texting scenes. Me and my partner decided to change the news film scene to a news article scene so me and my partner didn't have to use another actor. This is because I've been having trouble filming and finding time and time that worked for everyone. Anyways, I've got the first texting scene done. It was easier then I thought. I talked to my sister to get her to get her to text me at certain times. When I texted something she would text me something back a few moments later. All while I was screen recording to get the info. I also incorporated the titles in the texting scene. On Tuesday, I filmed the first scene, again, with my sister. She held the camera while I said my lines. She was in fact making fun of me, bigger sisters ya'know. Yesterday, I filmed some of the mall scenes. It was harder because I couldn't help but think everyone was looking at the two girls filming at the mall. My sister was able to film all of them at good quality thank god, If she didn't I think I would have put my little sister role to work. Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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