Ripple in a puddle !!

    Good morning and good evening! So me and my teammate switched who was going to be who. I am going to be Lucia now. The person who keeps getting flaked on instead of the person flaking (who I was before).  Lucia is also the person who moves the most in scenes. First I have to film at my house, then at the mall, then the theater then the park with my partner. All the texting scenes are also from my side, but to be honest I was going to do the texting anyway because I figured out a way to do it. First I'll probably set my camera up on a tripod to shot the first scene. Then I'll do the "POV" scene from the phone, I forgot what it was called. For the second scene I'll probably ask a friend or my partner to film me because it is a medium long shot. The whole scene is like that so I don't need to dramatically change perspective. I do need to do an establishing shot then I do a full body shot for scene three. For scene four it is going to be a medium-long shot, POV shot (like a real one), then likely a zoom out. The most problem is going to be the lighting, what if you can't see the face? It was why everything is so blank on the storyboard, I have no Idea what I'm going to do about the lighting. I also want to do something with the clothing, maybe making the clothing darker as Lucia losing hope in meeting. The real question is do I have the colors, because all the clothes I have are black. The only real problem I have is the reporter. We decided to make it a news report if we can't find a person. I hope we can find one because I want a news reporter. Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days


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