Melt from the heat !!

    Good morning and good evening! Over the last few days I've been editing the video. As such, I had my sister look over things as I did things. So far she's been pretty nice, it's a little annoying actually. I need her criticism not her niceties. So I just–pushed her to be a little meaner. At first, she said my face was weird. Like wow, love you too Cris. Then she gave me actual suggestions and criticisms. What she had to say was the audio was a little wonky. Which I agree with and I want to dub over some of it when I have the free time. The transitions are janky. Which I also agree with, so I have to make them less janky while also sticking within the 2 minute limit. Finally, she said that it was a little glitchy. I'm glad she told me this because I did not catch that, but now that I can see it, I can SEE it. When giving it to my friend to review, they said it was fast but again, time limit. They also said that if I wanted to save time a part of it was unnecessary but when I asked others about it, they thought it added character. So I'm not getting rid of it because I like it. Note to self: change audio, smooth out transitions, and smooth out the glitches. Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.


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