What about my partners !!
Good morning and good evening! When being told about the Final Task we got to work with four other people. Like last time I have decided to work with just An Alysse McComie-Waterman. Like last time I trust An Alysse the best to not procrastinate and to hold the load of tI swear I got a white hair or two on the last day of working. An Alysse is a good friend, we've been friends since the beginning of last year. We have different AICE classes this time but we will make it work. This year we are also working with Jaydon Smith, I became friends with him last year when An Alysse introduced me to him. We figured he would be a good partner since we were very impressed with his videos last year. We all get along great and have similar humors, so while I haven't worked with him yet I'm hoping this goes well. We have been throwing around some pitches just to see which ones we like. Difficult but getting all extra ideas will help us achieve one coherent storyline. We are communicating through whatsapp. It's very convenient and very easy to use and talk to with. I would like to be behind the camera, but I will likely play some small part. Jaydon and An Alysse will likely be the main actors of the video. I will probably ask my sibling to play some part, as she is likely to have some free time soon. I hope we do a video with a dog in it, just so I can record with my own. I am also hoping if I lag behind, they'll both push me to finish. I really hope I am also a good partner, I kinda complained about people here but I know some of that can be applied to myself, so I'm trying to do better in terms of my own procrastination. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.
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