Plans interrupted !!
Good morning and good evening! The plans didn't go through. With all the homework and my dog stuff the plans weren't finalized and i wasn't able to go on Saturday. My parents are also making plans to go to Puerto Rico for family stuff. Overall, it's been a little tense. The team and I have tried to put a focus into getting this done so we aren't rushing. I also remembered the website and card that are needed. I'll ask my teacher when I see her next about it. One of my other teammates has the website planning. I have the card. The other teammates has a lot of afterschool activities and will be out of state a lot so we cut her some slack. I've also been swamped swamped with work, it's really a lot. I can't allow myself to fall behind so it's been a struggle a little. Funfact, my sister has her college spring break a month early. Which means a lot of my moms time has been spent making plans for her to go to my uncles. Which means I've been stuck with my step-dad for plans and stuff. It's okay, he's a good planner and does things on time. Thats all thats been going on this week. I hope the team will do better next week. Happy Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days.
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