The process of the card !!

     Good morning and good evening! These past few days I've been working on the card more closely. As I mentioned before, I've made some accounts for the social media portion. However, there is still other stuff to do. I also have to include a QR code of the website. So I found a QR code maker and uploaded the website onto there so I can put it on the card. Luckily, the websites already been made and is being managed by another group member. I also have to include a premier date. There is already one set by the teacher so I have that set. Finally I have to include the title. Duh. I have all the info, so I'm also going to out everyone who worked on the project. It's all been going very well. The hardest part is making it all look nice while still sticking to my mirror theme. I don't want to have to switch. I'm quite attached to it. I've been wondering if I should add other superstitions. Like a black cat or a coin to make it more obvious. Possibly numbers or latter's?  Birthday to whoever's Birthday it is and enjoy your days!


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