I am a mirror and this is the reflection !!

Good morning and good evening! During this project I learned a lot about the program I used, CapCut. To use this program effectively I watched a lot of videos on YouTube. I learned about to properly import sound and add good photos onto CapCut, I also learned how to make good transition to the next photo and add text. The only thing I couldn’t figure out is how to lower the sound in one section and heighten it in another. However, I made do and just cut it up and lowered each section, I feel I did well on it. I did a practice run on another project before fully making my video and it helped me learn a lot about the app, I never used it before and I feel it also improved my abilities of editing to other apps I used. This project was really helpful in learning my technology and using it effectively in other aspects of my life, I’ll probably use this to make something for my family. I also learned a lot about putting a project together. I learned what best to do and what...